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10 signs of inner and outer loop misalignment

A guide for software delivery teams

Outer loop delivery teams are often poorly equipped and poorly supported, and redefining software delivery is a wide-reaching and multifaceted process.

This guide covers 4 priorities for effective inner and outer loop alignment when remedying the 10 pain points commonly felt by software delivery teams. 

Mastering inner and outer loop dynamics

Ongoing research from James Walker and Jyoti Bansal highlight how many challenges felt in enterprise software delivery stem from one common cause. An imbalance between the “inner” and “outer” loops of software delivery is today responsible for risks ranging from delayed releases and low staff retention, to poor release quality and lost market share.

While these consequences of inner/outer loop misalignment carry severe consequences for the business and C-Suite, they are the culmination of challenges felt “on the ground”, in software delivery teams. From BAs and product owners, to testers and data engineers, you will already be familiar with the symptoms of a misaligned inner/outer loop. 10 are covered in this guide.

Discover 4 key focus areas for realignment

Boost Productivity - Curiosity Software

Continuous quality

Autogenerating tests, data and environments from requirements builds traceability between the inner and outer loops, while ensuring quality.

Documentation - Curiosity Software

Living documentation

Implementing visual modelling creates structured data that is easily processed and maintained by both humans and tools.

Modernisation of Technology - Curiosity Software

Continuous artifact creation

Continuous artifact generation and maintenance removes productivity blockers like repetitive manual labour, maintenance or toil.

Accelerate Delivery Time - Curiosity Software

On demand data

Modernising test data management with on demand data automation is one of the fastest wins for software delivery productivity and quality.

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Ready to lead the future?

Our outer loop experts will help you identify symptoms of inner/outer loop misalignment at your enterprise, crafting a roadmap to software delivery productivity and quality

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Curiosity Platform - Quality Modeller and Enterprise Test Data Curiosity Platform - Quality Modeller and Enterprise Test Data