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Continuous Quality

Ensure software quality without productivity blockers

Unblock delivery and prevent quality issues before they arise. Continuously generate rigorous tests and data, with full transparency and coverage.

  • Shift quality left

  • Test continuously, find bugs early

  • Provide measurable coverage, transparency, and release confidence

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Quality Modeller - Continuous Quality - Ensure software quality without productivity blockers

Embed quality throughout software delivery

Align every stakeholder, requirement and test to measurable quality outcomes.

AI-assisted requirements
Avoid bugs rooted in ambiguous, incomplete designs. AI combines requirements in clear visual models, with feedback and automated fixes to build quality upfront.
AI-assisted requirements - quality modeller - continuous quality
Optimal test generation
Create the fewest tests needed to cover requirements or at-risk logic. Models measure coverage and provide transparency, avoiding wasteful over-testing and risky under-testing.
Optimal test generation - quality modeller - continuous quality
Continuous test automation
Generate automated tests for your tools and systems. Test generation removes scripting and maintenance bottlenecks, enabling faster, higher-quality releases.
Continuous quality - Continuous testing & automation
Automated maintenance
Auto-update tests and requirements as business needs change. Traceability avoids technical debt, aligning teams on quality even as systems grow increasingly complex.
Automated maintenance - quality modeller - continuous quality
AI-assisted requirements - quality modeller - continuous quality Optimal test generation - quality modeller - continuous quality Continuous quality - Continuous testing & automation Automated maintenance - quality modeller - continuous quality

Shift quality left, right, and throughout your ecosystem

Embed quality upfront

Embed quality upfront

Fixing ambiguous and incomplete requirements avoids costly bugs, while enabling transparency and critical thinking throughout delivery.

Minimise the cost of bugs

Minimise the cost of bugs

Collaboratively perfecting requirements and generating continuous tests finds bugs while they are low impact and affordable to fix.

Remove release blockers

Remove release blockers

Automating repetitive test creation, requirements engineering and maintenance removes toil, enabling faster, higher-quality releases.

Ensure release readiness

Ensure release readiness

Measuring test coverage and knowing that every requirement has been covered provides release confidence and stability.

Discover Quality Modeller

Deliver quality throughout software delivery

Align all stakeholders to quality outcomes and create critical assets early, delivering superior software at speed.

  • Collaborate seamlessly on organisation-wide quality goals

  • Generate key assets upfront, with measurable coverage to prevent bugs

  • Maximise productivity, with minimal toil and rework

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Quality Modeller Hero Resource Image

Continuous quality at world-leading enterprises

Across industries, some of the world’s largest enterprises use the Curiosity platform to shorten the time they need to deliver superior software.

Your next step towards faster, higher-quality releases

Read a resource, or meet with an expert, to learn how you can test rigorously and develop rapidly from clear and collaborative requirements.

Align rapid releases to quality outcomes

Focus every stakeholder, requirement and test on measurable software quality

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Align rapid releases to quality outcomes Align rapid releases to quality outcomes