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Roundtable Hosted by Curiosity

Is software getting better or worse?

New technologies, "agile" methodologies, DevOps and AI - it feels like software development and technology has entered a new age. But, has software quality really progressed, or has it gone backwards?

Join us for an engaging discussion with James Walker, Richard Jordan, Lina Deatherage and Ben Johnson-Ward on the progress and regressions of software quality and delivery.

This roundtable answers key questions in enterprise software delivery:

Investment in new technology and Artificial Intelligence has lead to a new age of software quality and delivery. Yet, organisations worldwide are struggling with quality releases. What went wrong?

1. Is software getting better or worse? Is it the same, are quality gains/declines industry specific, are they an illusion? What has changed?

2. What impact has Artificial Intelligence had on software delivery? Has it helped improve quality or not?

3. Are we less tolerant than ever when it comes to quality? Have user expectations changed?

4. If software is getting or worse, then why now? What are the driving forces in software quality and delivery?

5. Who is responsible for delivering quality and what impact does that have? Who defines quality at your organisation?

6. What can you as an individual do to make a difference to software quality? What are some actionable steps to take?

Meet our speakers: 4 software quality experts!

4 outer loop experts challenged with a question: is software better than ever?

Ben Johnson-Ward - Curiosity Software

Ben Johnson-Ward - VP of Solutions Engineering

Ben Johnson-Ward, VP Solutions Engineer at Curiosity, has spent the past 12 years pioneering testing tools and techniques for global banks.

James Walker - Curiosity Software CEO

James Walker - CEO & Co-Founder

James Walker is the Co-Founder and CEO of Curiosity Software, where he works with a range of organisations to identify and resolve their quality needs.

Lina Deatherage - Curiosity Software

Lina Deatherage - Technical Analysts

Lina works with the world’s largest enterprises to embed quality throughout their software delivery lifecycle with the help of AI and modelling.

Rich Jordan - Curiosity Software

Rich Jordan - Enterprise Solution Architect

Rich Jordan has reached over 20 years in testing and software delivery, mainly within complex financial services environments. 

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Curiosity Software Platform Video - Enteprise Test Data and Quality Modeller Curiosity Software Platform Video - Enteprise Test Data and Quality Modeller